Beauty Formula No.9


“I have always had pretty clear skin, but have struggled with redness and reactivity! My nose would always flush when I got hot or ate/drank activating foods. Within a day, I noticed a difference in my skin – no more redness and generally a more even and clear skin tone. I’m about to start my second bottle and love the results!” 

– Grace 

“I’ve had this restlessness for years that I've never been able to pinpoint the cause or get rid of, and Beauty Formula No.9 has taken it away! The calm I feel is incredible! It feels like this formula is doing deep healing.” 

– Cathryn

“I got 50% less blotchy than I normally do and I only did 2 doses today!” 

– Deanna

“I love Beauty Formula No.9. Amazing results, I am very grateful. I feel calm, lovely and my skin is the best it’s ever been!” 

– A.L.

“Beauty Formula No.9 has been a gamechanger. I have had hormonal acne (which began during pregnancy, and continues as I nurse my 2-year-old), as well as inflammation and some rosacea. Since taking the remedy, the texture of my skin has improved, redness has gone and spots are pretty much all gone. I’m actually in shock, I can’t believe it. I feel so much more confident leaving the house with minimal makeup. More grounded and peaceful.” 

– Leanne

“The biggest difference I’m feeling is more overall calmness. Skin is still showing redness, but sensitivity seems to have lessened. It’s only week 2!” 

– Kit 

“I’m absolutely loving the Beauty Formula No.9. I’ve been taking it for about 2 weeks and have experienced a state of calm that’s very new and different to me along with skin that is beginning to feel much more resilient regardless of diet or stress.” 

– Alle

“I feel calm immediately. Amazing! Only day 2 and already feeling the positive vibes.” 

– Amy

“I FINALLY quit pot after a week on Beauty Formula No.9. It’s been a long time on my mind, and maybe a coincidence? Or not! But I finally said I’m done and haven’t looked back since. After using daily for about 7-8 years because I didn’t think I could sleep without it, without planning a date, I just decided that day was the day.”

– M.B.

“It's been around 10 days that I've been using Beauty Formula No.9. I have noticed that the swollen redness on my cheek is WAY less now already!”

– Naz

“I felt a slow but gradual increase in my mood. I definitely have a more positive outlook; all around more carefree. The redness certainly has become less noticeable, overall everything softened. When I started noticing the results, it was a huge confidence booster. My rosacea isn’t severe, but I do wear makeup to cover the spots up. I’ve recently been feeling confident enough to go completely bare.” 

– Chloe

“I was actually shocked. I noticed myself feeling a lot calmer and more at peace with daily activities. Normally, I would feel very irritable and full of anxiety. I felt more inclined to take better care of myself which is big because I have been feeling very lethargic and disconnected with everyone and everything. While I still did find myself getting angry and upset, the anger/frustrating emotions did not reach the level they did before starting No.9. My skin had it's ups and downs during the process, but overall it did get a little less irritated. I can definitely say that much of the redness subsided when my emotions felt at ease. The redness continuously improved. I have struggled with rosacea for as long as I can remember and I just felt really content."

– Crystal 

"The most notable moment was that one day I was swimming with my partner. We were wearing sunscreen and I had a hat on, but with the heat my face would have normally become really flushed. After an hour or so in the sun I went inside to use the bathroom and was FLOORED when I saw my reflection in the mirror. My face wasn’t flushed at all. Overall, my skin feels and looks calmer and does not get the patches of red. I’m truly astonished because I have struggled with this my entire life... it’s just amazing to not have a constant flush”

– Adriana


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Beauty Formula No.9™
Studio Elias