Homeopathy Travel Kit
Homeopathy Travel Kit
Alexis’ favourite homeopathic travel kit, made by Helios Homeopathy (England). Strong, lightweight and compact, the kit contains 36 remedies (30c potency) covering a variety of common ailments and minor injuries for the frequent and long distance traveller. Accompanied by an easy-to-use booklet, to help you find the best remedy quickly.
The kit fits perfectly in the FLOWER SAC with room for 1x First Aid Kit remedy.
Has traditionally been used to get relief from: bruises, burns, scalds, bites, stings, sprains, strains, digestive upsets, food poisoning, diarrhoea, vomiting, jet lag, exhaustion, air sickness, motion sickness, claustrophobia, fear of flying, home sickness, sunburn, sunstroke, dehydration, chills, serious tropical illnesses, parasites, back pain, stiff neck, sciatica, splinters, wounds, whiplash and more.
36 homeopathic remedies (30c potency) individually packaged in small glass bottles
Remedies: Aconite, Aloes, Apis, Arg-nit, Arnica, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bellis perennis, Bryonia, Camphor, Cantharis, Carbo veg, Chamomilla, Chelidonium, China, Cocculus, Cuprum, Eupatorium per, Gelsemium, Hepar sulph, Hypericum, Ignatia, Ipecac, Ledum, Manganum, Mercurius, Natrum mur, Nux vom, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Ruta, Silica, Staphisagria, Urtica urens, Veratrum alb
Lactose free, organic sucrose pill form
Kit size (5½” x 4” x 1½”)
10.50 oz
Guide to Homeopathy for Travel booklet
The FTC requires us to inform you: “There is no scientific evidence that the product works. The product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.” Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.