“It was my first flower remedy experience and I was drawn to Unburden (I was feeling particularly stressed). I am usually juggling a lot, and on the go constantly. Within a week of taking the remedy, I started to have daily naps and long baths. By the end of the month, I felt much more able to relax (and not guilty for doing so), peaceful, able to let go”
— Steven
“Lol after a bottle of Unburden I decided to leave California and give up feeling responsible for my parents! The formula literally changed the course of my life 💗”
— Tarah
“Hi Alexis,
Just wanted to let you know that I have been using Unburden for a little over a week and cannot believe the transformation I have had. I have only had 2 situations with anxiety and feeling an overwhelming sense of responsibility. Which is major considering I own 2 businesses, am going through the hiring process of employees and have had a funeral all wrapped up into the past 2 weeks. Really amazed and singing your praises to fellow business women who are in the same shoes as me.
Thank you, thank you! I cannot wait to try a different formula when I am done with this.
— Meghan Hudson”
"Dear Alexis,
I am so grateful to have discovered your flower essences! I just started a few days ago and the effects have been immediate and wanted to share! Wow...
I just started Unburden yesterday and I already feel major relief from stress and the feeling of being overly responsible for everyone and everything... like a self imposed pressure on myself... the last few months have been extremely difficult for me and today, I actually felt lighter and myself again and smiled.
I just discovered flower essences last year as my psychic intuitive powers have been increasing and am so happy and grateful I found your formulas to help manage it.
Many blessings"
— Y.S.
“I’m on week 3 of Unburden. It has been big and beautiful. I have been able to stand in my boundaries that were created during previous formulas. It has been a lot of throat chakra healing. I recommend heart openers and throat opener yoga poses on this blend. The things I’ve uncovered have been hard and I have been releasing some pretty uncomfortable stuff, but it has felt manageable and I haven’t had any panic attacks.”
— @wild_intuitives
“I’ve been working with Unburden for the last 2 weeks & I wanted to share with you that I am officially working h through what feels like a psychic burden that I’ve known for years that I’ve been carrying on behalf of my family of origin but haven’t been able to fully cut the cords. This remedy is giving me the support to choose freedom from the shackles of the family & their thoughts/beliefs/opinions/judgements. I am free! Thank you for bringing this medicine to the world. Mmmmmmm. Freedom!!!
— Rachel
"Hi Alexis, I am writing to say that I've been taking Unburden for 4 weeks now and I feel so much better. It is really powerful. I am overall less stressed out and sleeping super well. Thank you."
— Jose, Brazil
"Closing in on taking one month of Unburden. What has appeared/reappeared this month to allow me to let go of, has been bananas. I can’t wait to take it even deeper next month with Unblocked”"
— @living.apothecary
“I just wanted to reach out and say how amazing your formulas have been in my life! I heard about them through the To Be Magnetic podcast and so far have taken Unburden, WholeHearted and In Love and the effect has been profound!! My nervous system just feels so much more relaxed and my relationship with my partner has gotten even better, I am so much more trusting and grounded and less anxious overall! I recommend them to all my hypnotherapy clients in conjunction with the work I do with them. Thank you so much!”
— Kim
"Hi Alexis! While we were on the phone last week, you mentioned that Unburden was good fit for headaches. At the time, I had a headache that had come on about two hours before our chat. I know this type of headache well and used to suffer from them weekly, sometimes daily. This one I had that day was starting off to be the kind that usually lasts a couple of days and has me very nauseous and most of the time unable to go about my day. Within the second dose of Unburden, the headache began to subside and about an hour after the third dose, it was gone!! I had a very stressful night ahead of me with a holiday pop up event and took the next recommended dose and I'm telling you, even after the event I felt so good I was shocked! As was my husband! So thank you!!! I'm so excited to share these with my clients! Xx"
— Gina H., Kansas City, Missouri
"Hi Alexis, I am writing to say that I've been taking Unburden for 4 weeks now and I feel so much better. It is really powerful. I am overall less stressed out and sleeping super well. Thank you."
— Jose, Brazil
"We're about to start week 3 of our flower remedies! I've been taking Unburden and it has made everyday tasks so much easier! When I think about my to-do list, I just do it and haven't been feeling overwhelmed or short-tempered."
— Heather R.
"My husband was skeptical, but I convinced him to try Unburden, as I know he is feeling a lot of pressure with having a new baby in the house and having to take on much more of the responsibility of parenting our older son. He says when he takes it he literally feels like a weight is being lifted and that a sense on calm washes over him. It's exactly what he needs during this transition."
— Jennifer W., Toronto, Canada
"Hi Alexis, I wanted to share with you that for the past few weeks I started feeling anxiety and depression due to postpartum. I remembered that I had a bottle of Unburdened that my friend had given me at my baby shower. It is AMAZING. Like truly AMAZING. I feel like a light started shining in my heart again. I want to go outside and sing and play. This shift happened after just two doses of Unburdened. Just wanted to say thank you and tell you to keep doing what you are doing because you are helping people!"
— Dixie, San Diego, California
"I am seeing quite a difference in my focus at work but also, all around in my life. It's as though my body tells me what to do to feel better. For instance, I fall asleep much earlier. At work, I am more able to focus on the positive, scoff off negative comments and just get things done. I am most thankful!"
— G.L., Vancouver, Canada
"After only two weeks of use, I could feel a huge difference in my perspective. I was calmer; I could juggle all my work projects, even when they overlapped. I didn’t snap when my husband used the wrong spatula on our new frying pans. I didn’t lose sleep over our budget. I could take care of myself and not worry when that took all of my energy. The amazing side effects have lasted and continue to improve—and I no longer have a heavy weight on my chest when I examine my to-do list."
— Nicolle, Minneapolis, Minnesota
"My stress level had gotten to the point where I couldn't even eat or meditate to get it down. It's absolutely amazing how quickly my basic physical functions were able to level itself out. Almost hard to believe but I just started on "Unburdened" this morning, and there was instant relief...my heart rate slowed down, my head is...for a lack of a better word, relaxed. I'm also breathing normally. It's amazing...I'm so glad I am giving this a try and so eager to continue the course. Thank you Alexis! I want to be able to get the word out because this is SOOOO MUCH BETTER than how people usually wind their day down...with a cocktail. Thank you again!!!"
— Cindy, New York
"Unburdened helped me cope with what felt like unending responsibilities caring for my family while trying to build my career. I had been feeling overwhelmed, tired, incapable and sometimes angry. The remedy had a gentle but energizing effect and after about a week of taking the drops, things felt a lot easier. I felt more tolerant, more capable, and best of all, my body felt more relaxed with more get up and go. It’s a remedy I keep in my cupboard and still turn to whenever I feel overwhelmed. Thanks Alexis!"
— Susan, San Francisco, California
"I knew Alexis was the real deal when I met her. I am a type A personality, uber goal oriented, need to climb a mountain every day to feel worthy, tough on myself and can easily get my feathers ruffled by petty tyrants. After one month using Unburdened, I feel a huge weight has been lifted. I am no longer experiencing major highs and lows. I'm not holding on to frustration and annoyances. I am so much more relaxed and even keeled. It's incredible, this formula seems like it was made just for me. I'm so grateful for Alexis and her intuition & depth of knowledge. I can't tell you how jazzed I am about her magical potions! I'm a lifer! Alexis and Unburdened have truly saved me from myself."
— Jenny, Los Angeles, California